
A contract for tokenizing domains under ZNS. Every domain in ZNS has a corresponding token minted at register time. This token is also an NFT that is fully ERC-721 compliant.

Note that all ZNS related functions on this contract can ONLY be called by either the ZNSRootRegistrar.sol contract or any address holding a REGISTRAR_ROLE.


constructor() public


function initialize(address accessController_, string name_, string symbol_, address defaultRoyaltyReceiver, uint96 defaultRoyaltyFraction) external

Initializer for the ZNSDomainToken proxy. Note that this function does NOT have role protection enforced!



function register(address to, uint256 tokenId, string _tokenURI) external

Mints a token with a specified tokenId, using _safeMint, and sends it to the given address. Used ONLY as a part of the Register flow that starts from ZNSRootRegistrar.registerRootDomain() or ZNSSubRegistrar.registerSubdomain() and sets the individual tokenURI for the token minted.

TokenId is created as a hash of the domain name casted to uint256.



function revoke(uint256 tokenId) external

Burns the token with the specified tokenId and removes the royalty information for this tokenID. Used ONLY as a part of the Revoke flow that starts from ZNSRootRegistrar.revokeDomain().



function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (string)

Returns the tokenURI for the given tokenId.


function setTokenURI(uint256 tokenId, string _tokenURI) external

Sets the tokenURI for the given tokenId. This is an external setter that can only be called by the ADMIN_ROLE of zNS. This functions is not a part of any flows and is here only to change faulty or outdated token URIs in case of corrupted metadata or other problems. Fires the TokenURISet event, which is NOT fired when tokenURI is set during the registration process.



function setBaseURI(string baseURI_) external

Sets the baseURI for ALL tokens. Can only be called by the ADMIN_ROLE of zNS. Fires the BaseURISet event.

This contract supports both, baseURI and individual tokenURI that can be used interchangeably.

Note that if baseURI and tokenURI are set, the tokenURI will be appended to the baseURI!



function setDefaultRoyalty(address receiver, uint96 royaltyFraction) external

Sets the default royalty for ALL tokens. Can only be called by the ADMIN_ROLE of zNS. Fires the DefaultRoyaltySet event.

This contract supports both, default royalties and individual token royalties per tokenID.



function setTokenRoyalty(uint256 tokenId, address receiver, uint96 royaltyFraction) external

Sets the royalty for the given tokenId. Can only be called by the ADMIN_ROLE of zNS. Fires the TokenRoyaltySet event.

This contract supports both, default royalties and individual token royalties per tokenID.



function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual returns (bool)

To allow for user extension of the protocol we have to enable checking acceptance of new interfaces to ensure they are supported



function _burn(uint256 tokenId) internal

ERC721 _burn function



function _baseURI() internal view returns (string)

Return the baseURI


function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal view

To use UUPS proxy we override this function and revert if msg.sender isn't authorized
