

Base interface required to be inherited by all Pricing contracts to work with zNS


function getPrice(bytes32 parentHash, string label, bool skipValidityCheck) external view returns (uint256)

parentHash param is here to allow pricer contracts to have different price configs for different subdomains skipValidityCheck param is added to provide proper revert when the user is calling this to find out the price of a domain that is not valid. But in Registrar contracts we want to do this explicitly and before we get the price to have lower tx cost for reverted tx. So Registrars will pass this bool as "true" to not repeat the validity check. Note that if calling this function directly to find out the price, a user should always pass "false" as skipValidityCheck param, otherwise, the price will be returned for an invalid label that is not possible to register.


function getPriceAndFee(bytes32 parentHash, string label, bool skipValidityCheck) external view returns (uint256 price, uint256 fee)

Fees are only supported for PaymentType.STAKE ! This function will NOT be called if PaymentType != PaymentType.STAKE Instead getPrice() will be called.


function getFeeForPrice(bytes32 parentHash, uint256 price) external view returns (uint256)

Returns the fee for a given price.

Fees are only supported for PaymentType.STAKE !